Black Sheep Coffee have continued their expansion opening their latest coffee shop on Dundee’s High Street. Located at 75 High Street the shop is a prime, high footfall pitch and will bring its signature blend of passion and rebellion to Dundee. Founded by former St Andrews University students Eirik Holth and Gabriel Shohet, the first outlet was opened in Camden in 2013. Black Sheep now have more than 90 shops across the UK.
A statement from Black Sheep Coffee said “The new site is
set to become the go-to destination for local Dundonians and visitors alike
seeking an unforgettable coffee experience from Dundee’s best baristas in a
laid-back, welcoming space. Black Sheep Coffee are innovators in the space – by
sourcing the first specialty-grade
100% Robusta coffee, they went against the market trends and became the ‘Black
Sheep’ of the coffee world.”
Culverwell are Black Sheep Coffee’s retained agent in Scotland and are thrilled to have acquired such a prime unit for the popular brand, that will aid in the rejuvenation of Dundee’s High Street.